Each annual Northwest Flower & Garden Festival brings us an opportunity to select three prestigious professionals from the landscape design and horticulture industry to come together and award the medals to each show garden, to vote on the coveted Founder’s Cup Award (Best in Show), and to select the American Horticulture Society Environmental Award winner. These judges will also be the speakers in the Show’s acclaimed seminar series.

Without further ado, here are the 2024 Northwest Flower & Garden Festival Judges!

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Thomas RainerThomas Rainer

Landscape architect, horticulture futurist, and principal at Phyto Studio

Thomas Rainer is a registered landscape architect, teacher, and writer. He has designed landscapes for the U.S. Capitol grounds, the Martin LutherKing, Jr. Memorial, and The New York Botanical Garden. His work has beenfeatured in the the New York Times, Landscape Architecture Magazine, andHome + Design. He is a principal for the landscape architectural firmRhodeside and Harwell, teaches planting design for the George WashingtonUniversity, and writer at the award-winning site Grounded Design.

Thomas Rainer's appearance sponsored by the Bellevue Botanical Garden Society

Bellevue Botanical Garden Society


Jo ThompsonJo Thompson

Landscape and garden designer, speaker, and author, The Gardener's Palette 

Jo Thompson has been the recipient of four Gold and six Silver Gilt medals, as well as Best in Show at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. In 2017 she won the People’s Choice award at the first RHS Chatsworth Flower Show. She is the Garden Advisor for RHS Rosemoor, an RHS Shows Judge, and a member of the RHS Gardens Committee, the Nominations &Governance Committee, and the RHS Show Gardens Selection Panel. Jo lectures both nationally and internationally and tutors at The LondonCollege of Garden Design. She is a Registered Member of the Society of Garden Designers.


Jo Thompson's appearance sponsored by:


Nick McCulloughNick McCullough

Landscape designer, owner of McCullough's Landscape & Nursery, LLC, and author, American Roots

Nick McCullough is a certified designer by the Association of ProfessionalLandscape Designers and served on its board. He holds degrees in horticulture and art history from The Ohio State University and studied landscape design in Northwest England. A self- described “plant nerd,” Nick is passionate about perennials and has a masterful understanding of how plants thrive in regional climates. Allison McCullough, who will be joining at the show, is the head of marketing for McCullough’s Landscape &Nursery, Allison ensures the brand delivers thoughtful communications and special touches that only come from a family-owned business.

Nick McCullough’s appearance sponsored by Timber Press

Timber Press


Our three Show Judges headline a roster of speakers in our acclaimed Seminar Series. Your ticket to the Show includes all Seminars for FREE!

Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram to see the latest and greatest updates for the upcoming Festival.