Rita Lees Nursery

6963 Keene Road NE
Gervais OR
Booth: 2219; B3; B4

Company Description:

Located between Woodburn and Salem, Oregon, we are a family owned nursery specializing in cacti and succulents. We grow several different species of cacti and are always looking to broaden our varieties. Some of the varieties we have are Gasteria, Haworthia, Mammillaria, Echinopsis, Lithop, Opuntia, Euphorbia, Aporophyllum, Cereus, Lobivia, Parodia and Echinocactus are to name just a few.

New Products

We carry a variety of specialty plants. Euphorbia Platycada, bupleurifolia x susannae, Susannae, Copiapoa varieties, Ceropegia Cimiciodora are to name just a few.

Certifications & Awards

Oregon Nursery License

Product Images:


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